Waiting for the Dawn - an autobiography written in Oxford, that special town, and its placid atmosphere. Most elite newspapers in Fleet Street welcomed it. The Jesuit monk and famous poet, Peter Levi, was enthusiastic.
The Sunday Times Newspaper
Waiting For the Dawn (English autobiography), London 1975.
  Dayareh Mishneh (sub-Tenants) co-authored with Uzi Benziman - a political research in the Israeli policy and treatment of Israel's Arab minority between 1948-1992. Most Israeli Media welcomed the book – and still use it as an authorative reference.
Dayareh Meshneh (Hebrew) political research with Uzi Benziman, Jerusalem 1992.
  Hafnat Torab (a handful of Earth) is the writer's “last gift” to his family and friends on his 70-th birthday. A collection of memoirs.
Hafnat Torab (Arabic) memoirs, Nazareth 2004.
  Narrow Gate Churches, the Christian Presence in the Holy Land under Muslim and Jewish Rule. Six reviews - so far - were published.
Come and See, The Christian Web Site from Nazareth
Thomas Howard, United Methodist Church
Yohanna Katanacho, Trinity Divinity School
Jay Bushinsky - The Jerusalem Post
Sabeel's Corner Stone
Seth J. Frantmzan - Amazon
Narrow Gate Churches (English) research on the history and current life of the Christian minorities in Israel and the Middle East, Pasadena. Ca 2004.
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